Friday, February 8, 2013

Go Green!

Ever struggle to fit in your '5 a day'?

Green Smoothies and Juices are an amazing way to strengthen your immune system, assist your digestive organs, improve your circulation, purify your body and fulfil your cravings when you're feeling low on energy. They're fantastic as a snack, breakfast or an anytime treat!

'Greens' are jam-packed with micronutrients, fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins.

When they enter your digestive tract in liquified form your body benefits from maximum absorbtion of nutrients. That's why juicing and smoothies are such a great option. Plus how good is the taste?! Yum!

For a super speedy energy boost and a quick and easy way to refuel, grab your blender and give this a try:

*1 banana (preferably frozen, if not add 3-5 ice cubes to keep your drink nice and chilled)
*3/4 cup skim milk
*100g spinach
*2 dessert spoons natural yoghurt
*2 tablespoons organic honey

The 'greens' can come in many forms including kale, spirulina, celery, parsley, coz lettuce, coriander, mint, cucumber and many more!

To take it all a step further, you've probably noticed with this hot summer weather we've been having fruit and veges are ripening at a rapid pace. Rather than turfing food you don't have a chance to eat, slice up your over-ripe bananas, kiwi fruits, peaches, strawberries, mangos and anything else lingering in the bottom draw of your fridge and pop them into tupperware containers in your freezer.

Then the next time you're in need of a quick fresh fix, open up the freezer and get creative.

A few awesome extras to keep in the pantry and mix in with any future smoothies include:

*Flax or chia seeds
*Unsweetened almond milk
*Unhulled tahini paste
*Rolled oats
*Natural bircher musli
*Soy yogurt
*Coconut water
*Flaxseed meal

If you can think of others I haven't mentioned let me know! I love to try new ideas and hope reading this inspires you to do the same.

Happy blending! xoxo

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