Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Ommmm" at Yoga Om in North Perth

If you haven't noticed I've been testing out a LOT of incredible 'finding fitness' options in Perth in recent weeks. I've even already started to exceed my own expectations, smashing far beyond the number of classes I envisioned I would attend. Which is awesome of course. It's always good to have a goal, then a stretch goal, and be able to actually start to see progress towards achieving it!

However another thing that is extremely important is to learn balance and moderation. Admittedly not always two of my most fine-tuned attributes. As a self-confessed moderate-to-high 'full steam ahead' personality I have at times struggled to draw the line, learn to say no and realise when enough is enough. 

For one thing I can't actually seem to blog fast enough to keep up with the fitness classes I've been going to! To date I've attended 9 completely new classes all over Perth city in a mere 2.5 weeks. At the same time as starting new full-time work. For me my work and my 'finding fitness' intentions are very well aligned, but still that's a lot for anyone to take on in a super quick time frame.

So to be honest I think today at Yoga Om I actually hit my limit... The North Perth venue is a really gorgeous space, with a high ceiling and a raised stage for the yogi who leads the practice to demonstrate from. The spiced smell of incense drifted through the room and the lighting against the wooden floorboards was lovely. Just such a shame the studio is so nearby a main road with constant traffic distractions. Which in addition to my aching body and splitting headache really hindered my ability to get the most out of this lovely practice.

I suppose the art of yoga practice involves elevating your consciousness above such obstacles. But it is also about striking the right balance. I should have realised earlier that my aches and pains were more than just general post-fitness tenderness and actually quite extreme strains from days on end of overdoing it. I suppose this practice made this fact quite evident to me, which in itself is the kind of clarity and realisation that a good yoga practice should deliver. So overall? A strenuous success by all accounts :)

Check below for more info...
  • DETAILS: Thursday evening, 5:45-7:15pm. Yoga Om. Ste C4, 32 Endeavour Road, Hillaries 6025.
  • COST: $18.00 per class on a casual basis 
  • TEACHER: Sava
  • BRING: Nothing required as the venue supplies yoga mats, blocks, straps and blankets. But it's always nice to bring an extra layer like a vinyasa scarf or cosy jacket to snuggle into after savasana.
  • BEST BITS: I liked that the teacher was elevated on a slight platform stage in front of us so we could follow each pose. The hour and a half long practice was a constant journey through a range of poses, each slightly more ambitious than the next. With my aching joints and feelings of utter exhaustion I did find the practice a challenge, but definitely a fulfilling one. 
Ginny's Finding Fitness Rating: ★ ★ ★  

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hot, hot, HOT at Bikram Yoga Joondalup

If you're hunting for a way to seriously sweat it all out I definitely suggest giving Bikram yoga a try.

I visited Bikram Yoga Joondalup at 9:30am this morning looking for an energizing kick start to my day. I definitely got what I came for. The class is lead in a heated room so the minute you step inside you feel like you're entering a sauna. I've tried hot pilates while I was living in Toronto, but the practice of bikram yoga is quite new to me. I believe the classes always follow the same 26 postures so it took a little while to adjust to teachers instructions and I spent quite a bit of time scanning my eyes around the room trying to follow what was going on. There seemed to be a lot of rules and directions given out, but I suppose they need to make sure everyone is doing the postures correctly to avoid injuries.

I think the major benefits for me actually became evident later in the day. Throughout the practice I felt a little overwhelmed by the complicated poses and suffocating heat. Especially when we were directed NOT to wipe any sweat away from our face! However a few hours later, after showering of course, I felt refreshed, rejuvenated and invigorated. Which means the practice worked wonders I suppose!

BIKRAM YOGA is a holistic workout in a heated room. You are led through a series of 26 postures as well as breathing exercises which begin and end the 90 minute class. The intention is to build stamina and strength, improve posture, develop muscle tone and strengthen your immune system. The heat encourages sweating which eliminates toxins from your body and the meditative aspect of the practice improves your breathing, aids evening sleep and helps to reduce stress. A full body and mind workout.

Check below for more info...
  • DETAILS: Wednesday morning, 9:30-11:00am. Unit 7/200 Winton Rd, Joondalup.
  • COST: $18.00 per casual class (however they currently have a special introductory offer which costs $20 for 10 consecutive days. Seriously good value if you have time to pack in a lot of classes.)
  • TEACHER: Lisa
  • BRING: You'll definitely want to take a large (mat-sized) sweat towel and a water bottle or 2 for this one!
  • BEST BITS: It's quite an incredible feeling to remain in a hot yoga room for 1.5 hours constantly moving. Following the practice you leave the room feeling light as air and, after a much-needed shower, you'll spend the rest of the day feeling fresh with a healthy glow.
Ginny's Finding Fitness Rating: ★ ★

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gettin' Fiesty at In Store Zumba

What a great way to end my work day. I finished up my shift and literally slipped straight into a Zumba class which actually took place in the venue where I work.

I suppose that's a point, I haven't even explained to you what I do yet. I'm currently working as an Educator at the lululemon athletica Perth City store. As an Educator I have intimate contact with the athletic community and all of our guests on a daily basis. It is an interactive, exciting, challenging and dynamic environment where I'm encouraged to take initiative, multi-task and be an entrepreneur.

We are encouraged to set goals and dream big. Beyond big. HUGE! It is an exciting, forward-thinking brand and offers an excellent work culture that I am proud to be a part of.

One aspect of my role is to coordinate and encourage community participation in our brand and culture.  This is achieved in a number of ways, one of which is our in-store classes. Currently held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm* the classes range across a variety fitness options and in the past have included yoga, pilates, zumba, boxfit, extend bar and even belly dancing!

Tonight's class was a Zumba fitness session run by a lady who goes by the name of 'Fiesty'. I've explained Zumba in a few previous posts so flick back through those if you're keen to learn more. We packed around 20 people into the store tonight (maximum we've squeezed in so far has been 37..!) It was great to see lots of ladies having a big grin and dancing the night away. Like I said at the start, what a fun way to end my work day!

Check below for more info...
  • DETAILS: Tuesday evening, 6:00-7:00pm. Inside the lululemon athletica Perth City store. Shop H127, enex100. If you walk in from St George's Terrace come up the escalators from the Greenhouse and Woolworths. (*Please note: class schedule changes weekly. For details about future in-store class timetables check out the website link below.)
  • COST: Complimentary! lululemon athletica Perth city offers a range of complimentary in-store classes each week. We love offering a venue where we can witness first-hand the Perth city community getting active and living long, healthy and fun lives! 
  • BRING: Wear sneakers, bring a water bottle and a workout outfit you can bounce around in. No mat or props are required for Zumba, so it's super easy to come along straight after work.
  • BEST BITS: Zumba is always fun and a bit of a laugh. It takes a little coordination but the music keeps you motivated and no-one is there to judge you. Be prepared to smile, it's all about dancing out your excess energy!
Ginny's Finding Fitness Rating:  

Monday, September 26, 2011

Livin' it up at LIVe Pilates

Great start to my week with a Monday morning matwork pilates class at LIVe Pilates.

The class incorporated a lot of balancing on rollers, stretching with elastics, roll ups and (of course) mat work. Our teacher Nicole was very positive and encouraging, since there were only five ladies in our class today she was able to give each of us feedback and individual attention. Also because the class was small we were able to face our mats towards the teacher and mirror wall. I really liked that Nicole joined in many of the exercises with us, it was great to have a demonstration of how the movements should be done correctly.
The entrance to Liv Pilates Hillaries

I find pilates incredible for my posture and core strength. My love of pilates can be accredited to my awesome teacher Anna Harris at Moksha Yoga Uptown in Toronto, Canada. For my Toronto buddies be SURE to check out one of Anna's pilates classes or booty camps ASAP! Love your work Anna, continue to build that empire lady!

PILATES is a physical fitness system and body conditioning routine that builds flexibility, strength, coordination and endurance in the abdominals, arms, legs and back. Joseph Pilates developed a system of mat exercises in first half of the 20th century with the intention of developing controlled movement from a strong core. Today, in addition to mat work, pilates can also use a range of apparatuses for progressive resistance training.

Check below for more info...
  • DETAILS: Monday morning, 9:30-10:30am. Liv Pilates Hillaries. Ste C4, 32 Endeavour Road, Hillaries 6025.
  • COST: $22.00 per class on a casual basis (cheaper if purchased as set of 10 classes or more, see website below for more details)
  • TEACHER: Nicole
  • BRING: Nothing required as Liv Pilates supplies mats and all props such as rollers, elastics and fitballs. I recommend wearing tight-fitting crops (lululemon athletica wunder under crops or astro crops are ideal) in preference to long pants as there was a number of balancing on roller exercises. You don't want to have to continuously hitch up your trouser legs or risk getting your feet caught up and tripping on them.
  • BEST BITS: I liked that we faced the teacher and mirror so we didn't have to strain our necks to check our postures were correct. Was fun to practice stability on the roller, was my first time ever using a roller and was surprised and delighted at the focus required to stay upright. Something new to conquer!
Ginny's Finding Fitness Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (I've always loved pilates!)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A rusty old ride

I recently discovered an old bike in the back of our garden shed. Covered in cobwebs and rusted almost beyond repair. Almost... but not quite ;)

Bikes have never ever been my thing, it took me years to learn to ride and after a number of accidents on both regular bikes and motorbikes on my cousin's farm I'm super cautious of anything that requires balancing on two wheels.

However, those who know me well know just how much I love a challenge. In fact I'm generally the girl who chooses the hard road (rather than than the easy one) time and time again. Mid 2007 I camped for three months through Europe in rather rustic conditions. We fit two people into a one man tent! A few years later I again travelled, solo this time, on Euroline buses and packed in as much quality sightseeing as possible on a shoestring budget. On my visit to New York a friend gave me a book filled with cheap and FREE things to do in New York City. Still remember how outrageously excited I was. Must be one of the only girls in the world who wanted to go to New York and NOT spend money... hahaha.

Reading back through this I realise I sound like a total cheap-skate. But I honestly believe there's more to it than that. I like the challenge of conquering things on a budget. I like believing when there's a will, there's a way. I like the feeling of actually earning the right to enjoy an experience. Monetarily, physically, mentally and emotionally earning it.

In a nutshell I like a challenge I guess!

The point is, when I found this rusted up old bike I was excited. I saw it as an opportunity to challenge myself. With a little help from my dad we got the brakes oiled up, scraped off a little rust and I took her for a spin. The seat's a little low and the chain clunks on and off regularly, but all in all the bike works. Will take longer to cycle to the train station than take the bus each way, but I am on a 'finding fitness' challenge after all.

So the plan is to buy myself a bike lock (hey, a girl's gotta spend SOME money!) ;) and cycle to the train station when I can. Due to my rather irrational bike riding phobia I will set the initial bike to train station goal as once a fortnight... As we push on towards the hot summer months I may feel the urge to substitute bike riding for something less sweltering. But keep posted for my cycling progress and updates. Wish me luck!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Frantic Friday calmed by Yoga

This morning began at a crazy pace... Slept through my alarm and frantically raced to the bus which then ended up being 20 minutes behind schedule. This meant I also missed my train. Not a great way to start the day.

Luckily enough I did factor in a bit of extra travel time and was still able to arrive for the mid-morning Beginners/General yoga class at The Yoga Company in Subiaco.

Don't be fooled by the title... this 'beginners' class definitely caught me by surprise! I met up with my friend, colleague and fellow yoga-lover Esther at the studio and I'm quite sure we both expected a gentle, peaceful and calming start to our morning. Needless to say we both really enjoyed the class but definitely left humbled by the flexibility and core strength expected of us throughout the session.

Lessons learned today? Always provide myself a big enough 'time buffer' before work or play so that even if it all goes wrong I still have at least a few extra minutes up my sleeve to make it right again. Also learned to never underestimate the complexities of a yoga practice. Although yoga is meditative and restorative, it is also extremely challenging - both mentally and physically. If you have somehow developed misconceptions about yoga being "easy" then I suggest you make your way to Hala's studio and be prepared to change your tune.

YOGA originated in India as a physical, mental and spiritual discipline with the aim of attaining tranquility and spiritual insight. A yogi is someone who practices yoga or has a high level of commitment to the yoga philosophy. If you are able to incorporate yoga into all aspects of your life on regular basis you could be a yogi too!

Check below for more info...
  • DETAILS: Friday morning, 9:30-11:00am. The Yoga Company. 400 Roberts Road (corner of Station Street), Subiaco.
  • COST: $20.00 per 1.5 hour class
  • TEACHER: Hala Bitdorf
  • BRING: Nothing required. I brought my own mat and towel, however Hala provides mats, belts, chairs, blocks and blankets at her studio. Definitely bring comfy shoes and warm, loose clothes to wear post-practice. so you can drift out of the studio with a cosy and content soul.
  • BEST BITS: The practice went for 1.5 hours and I felt mentally and physically challenged throughout.
Ginny's Finding Fitness Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another night of Zumba

I had so much fun at my Monday night Zumba class I immediately felt the urge to dance again! I met a lovely lass named Jodie at Simone's class earlier this week. She's a self-confessed Zumba addict and has recently been scoping out Zumba classes around the city. I was very excited when she sent me the contact details for another local Zumba option and couldn't pass up the chance to check it out. Thanks Jodie! :)

Tonight was a very quick-paced class. I found it really interesting to see how different this Zumba session was from the one a few nights back! A good reminder that not only is it important to find a fitness style that works for you, but also a teacher who you can really connect with and draw energy from. My major inspirations for leading a fitter, healthier lifestyle come from the awesome friendships I made overseas with fellow fitness fanatics and my instructors. More to come on that in an upcoming post... :)

This Zumba teacher ran his class from a stage platform at the front of the room, definitely a plus considering how many people were participating. He moved in a super upbeat way but unfortunately we couldn't really hear his directions over the music and he was extremely quick to change moves. Which just meant that the class was often a little out of sync. There was little-to-no breaks between the tracks... but hey, no rest for the wicked right?! It's good to be pushed to move fast. Gotta shake off those excess calories I consumed on the bus ride home from work! ;)

Read my post from Monday 19th September to learn more about Zumba in general. I've also laid out some fast facts below for more info on this particular class...
  • DETAILS: Wednesday night, 7:00-8:00pm. Whitfords Senior Citizens Centre. 15 Banks Avenue, Whitfords.
  • COST: $11.00 per class [Apparently you can attend another one hour 'bar' fitness class the hour prior starting at 6:00pm. The bars and equipment are provided for you and the combined cost of the two hours is only $13.00 total. Bargain!] 
  • TEACHER: ...
  • BRING: A sweat towel. Lots of bouncing up and down in this class, if you have a knee brace I'd suggest bringing it along. Wear comfy sneakers and a pair of shorts with lots of give or some good quality crops since there's lots of bending and super fast paced twirling. I wore long pants and regretted it, got far too hot.
  • BEST BITS: The venue is BIG which was good because the class was busy, around 30 women but only 1 bloke in attendance. C'mon boys... pick up your game. ;) 
Ginny's 'Finding Fitness' Rating:  ★ ★ 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Zumba Fitness - Lovin' Latina beats!

Just worked up a sweat and danced up a storm at an awesomely pumping Zumba Fitness class!

The teacher Simone brought real character, flair and most importantly RHYTHM to the room. All while leading the class with a massive smile and a party attitude to boot.

The class was filled with loads of red-hot salsa style steps mixed in with shimmies, hip-swinging and beat-busting moves. The awesome Latino soundtrack really set the scene. Half-way through the class I honestly felt pretty keen to get out there and hit up the dance floors clubbing with a few of my 'new moves' ;)

Despire the grim weather outside the class was pumping, with around 15 ladies attending tonight. Apparently there's often even more participants. The class did have a slightly older dynamic than I had anticipated, with attendees ages ranging from mid-20s to early-60s. Never fear though, not a single one of them took a passive back seat. Everyone got really into it and gave the class and awesome dance effort. Thanks Simone, I could tell by the energy in the room that the ladies loved it. I sure did!

ZUMBA is a Latin-inspired dance fitness program which some keen beans have labelled 'exercise in disguise' ;) Dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Perez incorporated elements of samba, salsa, merengue, mambo, belly dance, hip-hop and martial arts (among other things!) into this awesome dance routine which he developed in Colombia in the 1990s. The pumping music with fast and slow rhythms offers a great soundtrack to pair with this high energy dance class.

Check below for more info...
  • DETAILS: Monday night, 7:30-8:30pm. Vivace Performance Company. Canham Way, Greenwood.
  • COST: $12.00 per class (discounts available for 5 or 10 pass purchases, first trial class is FREE!)
  • TEACHER: Simone Dodd
  • BRING: Nothing but your sexy self and a party attitude. Wear sneakers and be prepared to shimmy and shake ;)
  • BEST BITS: Simone's fun loving energy and ability to 'spice it up' with a few quick steps definitely kept me on my toes! Seeing the whole room full of older ladies confidently getting their groove on, doing their best to follow the quick step routines and happily enjoying it really made my day complete.
Ginny's 'Finding Fitness' Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bec's Personal Training - Fun in the Sun!

Deciding to start hitting up any and every fitness option in Perth is one thing, but actually getting organised to find and attend them all is quite another...!

Once committing to my goal I started thinking through the resources most immediately available to me to make it happen. I figured that contacting my nearest and dearest friends would be a great way to start. My gorgeous girlfriends Amy and Bianca have become awesome fitness devotees in recent years, testing out everything from BoxFit to personal training! They were definitely my first point of call when taking on this endeavour. They invited me to join them at their Saturday morning personal training session with Bec in East Vic Park.

Bec lead us through an awesome hour commencing with a jog and encompassing a range of activities. We rotated through a circuit which included weights, boxing, ab, arm and leg work. The session she takes with my friends is just perfect for them. There is usually just four females plus instructor in attendance and the PT is beautifully tailored to suit their needs. One participant was recovering from an injury and Bec was extremely attentive, she modified the activity at each station for the girl's unique circumstance - exactly the level of care and expertise you hope for from a personal trainer. She also took the group through some great stretches at the end. Really worthwhile doing lots of stretching following a session like this because we used a variety of weights for different exercises.

A PERSONAL TRAINER is a fitness professional who develops a fitness program and assessment for their clients. They motivate by setting goals and providing feedback. PT's may also educate their clients on nutrition, general health and wellbeing.

Check below for more info on this session...
  • DETAILS: Saturday morning, 9:30-10:30am. John McMillan park off Kent Street in East Vic Park.
  • COST: $15.00 per individual
  • TEACHER: Bec
  • BRING: A decent-sized towel for exercises done lying on the grass. A hat and sunnies are a definite must, especially as we come into the hot summer months. Also recommend applying suncream before the session gets cracking or alternatively wearing a good sun-blocker shirt to cut out UV rays. Water bottle is obviously a must.
  • BEST BITS: Being outside in the sunshine! Bec brought along all the equipment we needed from boxing gloves and pads to various weights, it was awesome to have all of that provided. Thanks for an awesome morning Bec!
Ginny's 'Finding Fitness' Rating:  ★ ★ ★

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Body Combat, Challenge Stadium

I was looking for the perfect Sunday morning start to kick off my Perth 'Finding Fitness' challenge... Figured where else but 'Challenge' Stadium! ;)

Challenge Stadium is a venue I've known well for a long time. Back in the day when I was a uni student I swam laps there pretty regularly in the outdoor pool. Ahhh... the memories. Speaking of memories and my uni years, that's definitely what the Body Combat class I joined today reminded me of! I hadn't taken a Body Combat class in almost 5 years... But luckily it all came flooding back relatively quickly.

Lots of enthusiastic cries of "jab, cross, upper cut" accompanied bubbly energy and quick movements. The class was quite small, just six ladies including myself and the teacher Leanne, but this worked out fine because it gave us lots of room to move! Apparently the class is usually a little busier... but following City To Surf everyone is taking a bit of a break. I had a lot of fun and think it's definitely a good, non-intimidating option for someone who is keen to jump, kick and punch their energy out!

BODY COMBAT is a 55 minute cardio workout based on a series of martial arts moves timed to music tracks. It is one of three Les Mills group fitness classes currently offered indoors at Challenge Stadium. The martial arts program is inspired from a range of disciplines: karate, kick boxing, taekwondo, tai chi and muay thai. It is intended to increase strength and endurance through shaping and toning work.

Check below for more info on this class...
  • DETAILS: Sunday morning, 10:30-11:30am
  • COST: $13.00 
  • TEACHER: Leanne
  • BRING: Sweat towel for cool down, FULL water bottle (mine was 1/2 empty and nowhere to fill up until you leave Challenge at reception). Make sure you wear sneakers and a good quality support bra... Lots of jumping around in this class! ;)
  • BEST BITS: The room has a nice window view of the sunny outside pool! Bring swimmers and make it a double whammy workout by diving in for a swim post-combat. General entry to the pools is just $5.20 and there's both indoor and outdoor pool options.
Ginny's 'Finding Fitness' Rating: ★ ★ 

Friday, September 9, 2011

'Finding Fitness', the challenge is on!

Running the 8km Harry's Spring Run-Off for
prostate cancer. Toronto, Ontario at High Park.
April 2, 2011
My overseas travels really helped highlight my personal passions, while the inspiration I've gained from international friendships is absolutely priceless. I now know people around the world who really embrace life, love, health and fitness - these friends and their positive energy have made a lasting impact!

In recent years I've realised that I am an adventurer, in every sense imaginable. Those who know me well recognise that I constantly seek the next step, the next challenge and the next opportunity.

In all honesty being a transient soul can be very draining. I can tell you from them heart it's not easy to frequently 'begin again'. The journey I chose to take meant regularly leaving behind people, cities and lifestyles that I lived in and loved. Therefore I have (for the time being at least!) returned happily to home soil and am loving everything about being back in Perth, Western Australia.

I have been desperately seeking a way to strike the perfect balance: provide sustenance to my inherently adventurous soul while at the same time develop and rebuild my network of friends and loved ones here at home. I think I have found a solution...

I've decided to blog about my search to 'Finding Fitness' in Perth. My idea is to seek out and explore a huge range of local fitness opportunities available to both men and women. Pilates, yoga, zumba, boxfit, personal training, bootcamps, belly dancing... I want to try it all.

I spent all morning searching online for avenues to find a one-hit-wonder website I could use to check out EVERYTHING fitness related in Perth. No such luck as far as I can see. So I will use this forum to share with you all of my 'Finding Fitness' experiences in our local community. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen. I'll post photos, links and information on the various classes I attend and the trainers I meet along the way. In return I'd love to hear your feedback about the fitness sessions you attend and love, whether in Perth City or abroad.

My dream is that everyone who reads this will learn about the wide range of fitness options available in Perth (and beyond!) and become inspired to try out the style that appeals to them. So stay tuned and check back in shortly to hear more about the first steps of of my latest and greatest 'Finding Fitness' adventure.

Dream it. Live it. Love it. Share it.
- Ginny xox

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Right here. Right now.

In recent weeks I've really decided to take the bull by the horns and live my life in the here and now. This has involved some big changes in terms of work, learning and personal development. So although I will still hopefully use this forum to catch you up to speed on my past travels and whisk you away on exotic adventures with tales from the cities I've lived in and loved, I'll also tune you into the here and now. Plus, of course, my dreams for the future. Get ready for a wild ride!

On the topic of past, present and future here's a food for thought quote. I heard it from a lovely female Cuban tour guide on the bus ride into town from the airport:

"Yesterday is history & tomorrow is a mystery.
But today is a gift, which is why we call it the present!"

Monday, September 5, 2011

Turning 10: Taste for Travel Begins

My first snow experience!
Skiing in Sweden with dad.
 April 1994 (age 10).
Growing up in the world's most isolated city has it's perks, but also disadvantages too. One issue faced by many West Australians is the massive distance separating them from the rest of the Western world. Literally. Distance is a BIG thing in WA, where reaching another capital city requires a flight or extremely long, flat drive along a straight stretch of dusty road through the 'treacherous' Aussie outback ;)

Cultural isolation is something my family has always epically persevered against. Dad committed to taking each of his four youngsters on an overseas adventure the year we turned 10 to open our blissfully ignorant eyes to the big wide world.

So around the time of my 10th birthday it was explained to me that I would be joining my dad on a trip to Sweden, London and Paris to 'see the world'. I took extended leave from primary school and spent a month exploring. From my first steps in snow, being awed by Stockholm's epic ice-sculptures and getting bogged while tobogganing - Sweden immediately captured my interest. "These people eat cheese and jam on biscuits for breakfast!" I chirped down the 'telephon' to mum. ('Telephon' being the only Swedish word I was able to pick up with ease throughout my two week stay). I visited a Swedish high school where I was interrogated by classmates with dreadlocks and nose-rings sitting with their feet on desks asking if I really did own a pet kangaroo called Skippy...
Internationally recognised brands blaze
brightly on electronic billboards over
London's famous Piccadilly Circus

The rush of London nearly bowled me over as I clambered to the top of red double decker busses, elbowed through crowds to see the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace and join masses of minors enraptured by the magic of Hamley's Toy Shop. Posing by red post-boxes and trotting through the Tower of London I viewed various highlights of old England with my dad and uncle by my side. Grandma was so proud of us all!

Parisienne cheese shop...
Gourmet gurus eat your heart out!
Three days to fit in Paris would exhaust even the most experienced of travellers. Plus with the Parisian metro on strike we were forced to conquer the city on foot! Nonetheless we climbed the Eiffel Tower, visited the Louvre, Arc De Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral and Centre Pompidou, plus took the Bateaux Mouches along the river Seine. All the while re-energising with croissants, eclairs, baguettes...

Needless to say, my first trip abroad was an extremely eye-opening experience. It definitely highlighted how different the real world was outside of my familiar comfort zone and whet my appetite to see more of the big wide world. Much, much more!